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Opinions & Analysis

mental health

by Corin Imai, senior security advisor at DomainTools Cybercrime and mental health issues are both rampant. This article will look at how mental health issues can leave organisations more at risk to cybercrime, and how combatting cybercrime can affect mental health.  Professional burnout is defined as a work-related condition of stress causing exhaustion, a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity. Extensive literature exists about this phenomenon in relations to healthcare professionals, who need...

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Computer with encryption

From: Thomas, Kevin Sent: 24 August 2019 10:43 To: Malik, Javvad Subject: Encryption Jav I’m updating the presentation pack for this months management meeting. Can you send me a short description of encryption so the SLT can better understand the solution. Kev From: Malik, Javvad Sent: 24 August 2019 11:03 To: Thomas, Kevin Subject: Encryption Hi Kevin, Encryption is the process of transforming information using an algorithm to make it unreadable to anyone except those...

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By Kevin Bailey, Managing Director & Principal - Security Research at Omnisperience  When I look back at the cybersecurity industry, in the early 2000s it involved a few hundred vendors battling for their share of a ~$750 million market. The hacker was motivated by the chase and notoriety rather than monetary rewards. Fast forward to 2020 and sophisticated hackers have now established a matrix structure comparable to multinational corporations with the discipline, skills, diversity of...

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By Prof. John Walker To say we live in unprecedented times must be the understatement of the century – in fact, what we have seen in recent years does amount to gross disbelief. Terrorist attacks finding their way to the streets of the UK, active Russian agents seemingly acting with murderous impunity, whilst looking wondrously up at Church Spires, not to mention the murder of a US based journalist within the walls of a Egyptian...

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In the span of a couple months, the world as we knew it was turned upside-down. As scientists across the globe conduct experiments in search of the COVID-19 vaccine, the labour market has found itself within its own experiment. That is, the experiment of remote working on a massive scale.   In an effort to slow down the spread of the virus, millions of employees around the world are being told to write their emails, compile their spreadsheets, and hold their meetings from the confines of their dining room...

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edgescan logo

A security software-as-a-service solution that continuously scans the entirety of an organisation’s digital assets is perhaps the clearest indicator of how much the cybersecurity world has changed since the old days, when one ad-hoc penetration test and an antivirus would do the trick. We asked Eoin Keary, CEO and founder of edgescan, to tell us more about this model of security how should ensure they are making an informed choice. Which organisations should consider adopting...

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San Francisco view

With one of the most anticipated cybersecurity events of the year just around the corner, we thought to help you navigate around the 700 exhibiting vendors we’d highlight some of what a handful of those companies will be talking at the show. ‘The Human Element’ is the theme of RSA Conference 2020, but there is also a lot of noise around issues and challenges surrounding election security, open source tools, product security and anti-fraud. So, what...

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Corin Imai, senior security advisor at DomainTools:  “Cybercriminal operations thrive off the kind of data that this database left exposed: sensitive personal identifiable information can be sold online and exploited in all sorts of subsequent campaigns. Fortunately, security researchers promptly brought the misconfiguration to the attention of Estee Lauder, who quickly secured the database. Although there is no evidence that data was stolen, people potentially affected should be weary of any email they receive that requests...

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Data Protection on Red Puzzle.

Privacy Day, or Data Protection Day in Europe, was instituted to raise awareness on the importance of upholding data protection best practice. The recent institution of privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA made organisations reflect on how they store and use consumers' personal information across the board, marking a significant milestone in the way data is handled in the digital era. Here's what experts had to say: Corin Imai, Senior Security Advisor at DomainTools:...

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Fabian Libeau

Cyber defence is often focused on protecting the digital assets of an organisation, such as its networks, endpoints and databases, as well as assets exposed on the internet, such as company websites. However, what many fail to realise is that there is yet another class of assets that need to be considered – company executives. In fact, some hackers find that targeting the chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO), or chief financial officer...

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