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Opinions & Analysis

Labor crunch highlights the cybersecurity gaps in threat intelligence practices

A smart building controls activities such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and security through automated processes. Many smart buildings use Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which means they contain sensors to collect data and software to manage it to reduce energy consumption and environmental effect. The demand for this type of construction will skyrocket in the future years. Recent studies predict that the worldwide smart building industry would reach $127.09 billion by 2027, with...

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Statistics show that the risks of occupational injuries in the tech sector are lower compared to other industries. A tech career doesn’t sound like something that poses significant risks. So, the question is, should tech businesses be concerned about employees’ health and safety?  The simple answer is yes! Even if the risks are lower, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist at all. Providing a safe work environment is not only beneficial for the employees’ wellbeing...

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Guest blog: The death throes of the password? Key takeaways from the One Identity Infosecurity Europe survey

By Dan Conrad, AD Security and Management Team Lead at One Identity Authentication is one of the hottest topics in cybersecurity right now. As biometrics, MFA, and a range of other authentication methods continue to threaten the password’s supremacy, we thought it was worth finding out what industry professionals thought about it all. So that’s what we did. At InfoSecurity Europe 2022, One Identity surveyed more than 100 security and IT professionals to get a...

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Cybersecurity is complex – but it doesn’t need to be costly or complicated

The pandemic tested the business resilience of every organisation. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) had to maximise their digital footprint to keep operational, service their customers and survive. Just as companies are starting to return to some semblance of new normal, another threat is on the horizon. The pandemic has fuelled an increase in cybercrime that shows no signs of abating. Small and medium sized enterprises caught in the cross hairs The speed with...

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The Inside Man Season 4: The Future of Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Corporate training videos. The words alone make you feel bored. They summon dreary memories of wasted hours, terrible acting and worse storytelling. If I told you that it doesn’t have to be that way, that training videos can be informative, engaging and even exciting, would you believe me? You’d be forgiven if you didn’t. But that’s exactly what KnowBe4’s ‘The Inside Man’ is. For four seasons now, the show has been seamlessly interweaving, believe it...

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According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), online shoppers risk losing more than $53 million during this year's holiday season. Scams ranging from socially engineered emails promising great deals to hard-to-find gifts popping up for sale but never making it to the buyer's address, the festive season is cybercriminals' and fraudsters' favourite time of the year. So, what should consumers do to shop safely? We asked cybersecurity experts what they thought of holiday shopping...

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Technology is an often overlooked yet vitally important factor when setting up or developing a successful business. Even if your business doesn’t physically require digital technology to undertake your services (physical trades, physical stores ect…), there’s always somewhere within your establishment that digital or security-based technology can be a worthwhile investment. Small businesses can find themselves on the back foot very quickly when starting up. It often isn’t all sunshine and roses, lots of money...

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Supplier: Edgescan Website: Price: Based on assets Scores Performance 5/5 Features 5/5 Value for Money 4/5 Ease of Use 5/5 Overall 5/5 Verdict: Fullstack vulnerability management made easy - Edgescan does all the hard work so you don’t have to The pandemic has undoubtedly led to a massive surge in cyber-attacks but even as restrictions start to ease, businesses can’t afford to relax as these threats will keep evolving and continue long into the...

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Tweet Chat: The Social Dilemma

Released in 2020, the documentary-drama, ‘The Social Dilemma’, offers a thought-provoking and alarming depiction of our reality today. The film exposes the ruthless nature of tech giants seeking to reinforce marketing algorithms for monetary gain and the consequences that have emerged as a result; from eliciting mental health issues and nurturing addictions to promoting the spread of fake news, and threatening democracy. Whilst it certainly offers a somewhat biased, or one-sided take on the social...

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Crypto currency being held in a hand

By Chris Sedgwick, director of security operations at Talion Cryptocurrencies are a topic that touches many areas; not only finance and investing but technology and even political arenas. Although apolitical in itself, it is the structure behind these cryptocurrencies that make them a much talked about subject amongst political purists from across the political spectrum. This structure can be boiled down to the following; think of cryptocurrencies as a ‘big spreadsheet’, and when you ‘mine’...

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