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'open' sign on window ledge

The UK is home to around 5.5 million Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). They collectively account for 99.9% of businesses, generating three fifths of employment, and with a combined turnover of £2.3 trillion. As such, they represent a vital element of the economy and a significant national asset, which in turn, highlights a need to ensure that they are protected. The connected and IT-dependent nature of modern businesses means that the cyber perspective will be...

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CEO of Multiple Fake Companies Charged in $1bn Counterfeit Scheme to Traffic Fake Cisco Devices

New statistics by International Cyber Expo reveal that in the event of a data breach at an organisation, nearly one in every five (19%) individuals across the UK believe the person(s) who allowed initial entry via phishing, poor security practices etc. should be held most responsible and face the harshest penalty. Additionally, of these individuals, over a third (34%) consider prison to be the most suitable punishment for a data breach. The research shines a...

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AT&T Cybersecurity grows SASE offering by adding Palo Alto Networks

Two of Las Vegas' iconic casinos, the MGM and Caesars hotel, have fallen victim to a major cyberattack. Over the course of this week, it has been revealed that computer systems had been left severely disrupted, causing widespread panic throughout the hospitality and gaming industry. Reports claim casino guests and staff have had difficulties accessing room reservations, making transactions, and using key services. The management immediately initiated an emergency response protocol to contain the situation...

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Armis forges ahead into Cyber Exposure Management as it readies for IPO

During a live-streamed even this week, Armis co-founders Yevgeny Dibrov and Nadir Izrael laid out the company’s vision for the future, which is centred around its newly announced AI-powered cyber exposure management platform dubbed Centrix™.   “In a perimeter-less world, where assets are digitally connected, traditional cybersecurity boundaries no longer exist. Legacy on-premises systems and point solutions are no longer fit for purpose, leaving your attack surface and most critical assets open and exposed to...

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Keeper Parental Practices Report

Today, Keeper Security have announced the release of the Keeper Security Parental Practices Report: Conversations on Cybersecurity, which explores parental attitudes, practices and concerns regarding cybersecurity discussions with their children and sheds light on this imperative topic for families. The report found that one in three (30%) of parents admitted that they have never spoken to their children about cybersecurity.  Additionally, over 40% of parents who admitted that they didn't know how to create strong...

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chairs lined up in a row, school

It's a fact that all organisations are valuable targets for cybercriminals, no matter the size of the organisation. However, some sectors are targeted more than others. Education is one of those sectors. In 2022, the UK Government outlined the percentage of organisations that had identified breaches or attacks over a period of 12 months, which found that 39% of all UK businesses suffered a breach. For educational institutions, that number was significantly higher. The research...

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Hands on laptop keyboard

We all know that cybersecurity is stressful; we've seen the many stats that say that professionals are burnt out and stressed. But what the industry needs is changemakers and people willing to lead the movement towards a healthier future. Today, The Nineteen Group has announced that they are revolutionising wellbeing support for professionals at cybersecurity exhibitions. Enter The International Cyber Expo's Cyber Wellbeing Corner, the first of its kind at cybersecurity exhibitions globally. The Nineteen Group...

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Arms on a table, notepads.

The cybersecurity skills gap and talent shortage is a topic on the agenda of almost every board across the industry - and it's becoming an ever more urgent discussion. In fact, according to the 2023 State of the CISO report by Salt Security, 91% of CISOs agree that finding and keeping qualified cybersecurity talent significantly impacts their ability to deliver on digital transformation initiatives. With an estimated global workforce gap of around 3.4 million people,...

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Well-being is an essential aspect of life that allows us to work towards happiness and contentment. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be easy to forget to take care of ourselves, but making time for self-care is crucial for our overall health and well-being. If you want to start practicing self-care but are unsure on what to do and where to begin, we’ve compiled a list of our top 5 well-being...

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Ransomware on manufacturing industry caused $46bn in losses

Between 2018 and 2023, 478 manufacturing companies have suffered a ransomware attack, leading to a loss of approximately $46.2 billion in downtime alone. Serious cyber incidents affecting manufacturing companies can lead to significant disruptions to production lines. As a result, customer orders can be left unfulfilled and day-to-day operations come to a standstill. Comparitech recently analysed how widespread these types of attacks on the manufacturing sector are to find out their true cost. Using their...

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